Offer plan and pricing options tailored to actual traffic and resource usage

I think the Webflow team should revisit their pricing strategy and consider a fairer, more affordable option for those who like me, who love the tool but are only going to use if for something basic, over a certain period of time.

I've been paying a freelancer membership + hosting for 2-3 years in a row now, and in the meantime, hardly needed to do any editing. My portfolio website and another small one are both made of just a few static pages and the hosting used to cost $5 a month, then suddenly it jumped up to $18/month/site. How much operating costs does Webflow actually have each month, to keep my almost invisible and inactive websites operative? Does that justify me paying $624/year?! Right now I am paying for a Freelancer plan just because I want to keep the ability to have my own domain names, but could that at least include a free hosting up to a certain limit of traffic? Does it really matter if it's a website or two, in terms of running costs for the organisation? Pricing should rather be based on traffic, so I don't need to bother looking elsewhere for free hosting options and export my website manually.

I have been supporting Webflow from the early days and I am more than happy to keep paying so they can release new features, but the price must be reasonable and reflect actual usage.

And please add the option to consolidate billing, so I don't have to download manually 25 separate invoices for my tax declaration. Thank you

  • Luca Benazzi
  • Aug 7 2024