Typography: Vertical Trim / Cap to Baseline Height

Intro: As a designer, this is a fundamental feature that all my designs use to have accurate spacing between elements and text. I consider this a priority feature.

What is vertical trim / cap to baseline height? basically it's padding added to the text wrapper. In design software we have the option to trim the container padding to basically huge the capital letters, "cap to baseline height". In other words, to have no padding in the text wrapper. (see 1st image).

Why is this worthy of an upvote? Spacing is not accurate if there is added padding in the text wrapper. For example, if I want 16px spacing between text and an image, it will be 16px + the padding from the text wrapper. This is a fundamental problem for more detail oriented designs.

There is a workaround, which is to give the text negative padding, but this is tedious, time consuming, and is messy with overflowing containers. (see 2nd image)

This seems to be a relatively small feature to add, but has a huge impact on accurate design, so I hope it is considered for upvote.

  • Joseph Garner
  • Aug 10 2024