(Export just CSS, HTML, JS...) Several exporting code options for save time and saving hosting cost

When we are exporting code and updating our projects in or own servers or our customers, most of the time we don’t need to download/upload the same ZIP over and over again. Most of the times there are just some small changes on style classes, css or JS. So, I just thought if we scale up that process to all the times users in Webflow repeat and repeat that same action downloading unnecessary files and images, the cost of WF transit with carriers keeps going up and up as the company grows that cost would grow exponentially.

BUUUUUT... If you guys add this option and give us the opportunity, by adding this feature, of download just what we need instead of the hole ZIP all the times, that would you save you hundred of thousands of dollars in the long term with your carriers and you could have more attractive hosting price range for us. (That's something I'm sure more customers are complaining about)

I hope this suggestion finds you well and more users think it's useful,
Please find attached a creativity for full understanding. 

  • Pablo
  • May 3 2017
  • Nelson Abalos Jr commented
    May 03, 2017 20:34

    love the idea and mock up you made :)