Add "Convert to Lightbox" option when you right click on an image element.

In the right click shortcut menu you have the option of wrapping elements in one of 4 item types.

  • Wrap in Div

  • Wrap in Link Block

  • Wrap in H Flex

  • Wrap in V Flex

What I would love to have added is an expanded option for when you right click on image boxes to "Convert to Lightbox."

The idea would be that if you already have an image element on the page you are designing, you can quickly switch between the two types of elements without disturbing the design you've already set up.

I feel like this type of shortcut would fit in well with the other options already offered. Plus, condensing lightbox functionality into the standard image element feels logically consistent considering how similar both look on the canvas.

  • Michael
  • Aug 25 2024