Make it easier to sell Webflow templates independently 🥲

Currently, if someone wants to sell Webflow templates (outside of the Webflow Marketplace), they have to:

  1. Process payment

  2. Copy the customer's email

  3. Duplicate the Webflow site

  4. Transfer the duplicated Webflow site to the customer

  5. Customer then receives notification of incoming Webflow site transfer

  6. Customer must accept the transfer within 7 days - or lose their template

As the one of the best website building tools on the market, it's crazy to me how complicated it is to sell a template. Imagine how many new customers Webflow could onboard, if they enabled a workflow like this:

  1. Process payment

  2. Automatic redirect to a unique link to duplicate a Webflow site (similar to Framer's workflow)

  3. Seller also receive affiliate commission on customer purchases


Andres The Designer, aka Batman 🦇

  • Andres Gonzalez
  • Aug 29 2024