Allow Teams/Agency Plans to Showcase Projects

At this time you can only showcase work that is in your individual Webflow dashboards. Not on Team Plans.

I pay for a Team Plan, although I am the only one currently on it. It's disappointing not being able to showcase my projects without transferring all of them to an individual plan.

That would be an awesome feature to have in Team Dashboards to make those accounts public and showcase their projects. I figure this way teams working together can feature their work in one place.

  • Scott Van Zandt
  • May 12 2017
  • Shipped
  • Vincent Bidaux commented
    4 May, 2018 08:31am

    FYI this is shipped as of May 3rd 2018

  • Maurice Hofmann commented
    14 Feb, 2018 10:14am

    Yeah that would be awesome!

  • +7