Support CSV Import

A collection within the Webflow CMS should support importing data from a CSV file.

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  • Jan 11 2017
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  • Belion Jiko commented
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  • Olive Jack commented
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  • Ed Bini commented
    9 May, 2017 08:33pm

    Life is good include the export. We are on the verge of WordDepressed guys let's go!!

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  • Dariusz Kasica commented
    9 May, 2017 01:15pm

    Thank you for adding this - one very important feature that I've been waiting for :-)

  • Emily Reese commented
    20 Apr, 2017 05:09am

    can't wait for this!!! :) 

  • Murray Heidebrecht commented
    20 Mar, 2017 04:05pm

    +1 on including images in this import functionality.

  • Dariusz Kasica commented
    31 Jan, 2017 09:27pm

    I hope it will also import pictures from given location when link is provided.

    It could work kinda csv file have a field named picture and in this field link to picture in external source is privided and when mapped to a collection field of type image it will bring that picture from the external source into the collection database.

  • Jaro Quastenberg commented
    19 Jan, 2017 08:09am

    This will be available when the new CMS API - Zapier Integration is online!

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