In the editor when using a single reference field that has potentially hundreds of available options listed in a dropdown menu, scrolling through to find the one that you want is a really bad experience. Being able to type to narrow down the options shown in the dropdown would be wonderful.
It's 2023.. We're 6 years further.. *bump*
Yes - It would be great to be able to filter CMS items in the backend in more that just the name field.
One workaround I found: Tap the dropdown > ⌘F > Search for the item you're looking for.
Please Please Please
Trying to bump this 4 years old idea up.
It's super easy to find anything in the multi ref field, but its cumbersome in Options and Reference fields.
Another vote for this, especially now we have eCommerce, linking a related product when you have 300 to choose from or similar with blog entries is now becoming painful. I would use a mutli-reference field but the CMS linking in the designer stops my ability to access related information if I use a multi-reference. Happy to share a link via DM if anyone is interested in seeing this issue.
Exactly! I have hundreds of items to scroll through. In my mind this should function just like a multi-ref in the CMS except that you're limited to adding a single item. No reason for two different UIs.
My theory is that the single-ref evolved from the drop down element. Then when multi-ref came along it required a different UI but single-ref was never updated to match.
This is quite nasty as it is. There is major likelihood of duplicate references being created.
The same issues exists for adding google fonts.