Upload and replace images (all instances)

Rather than having to upload a new image, reassign and delete the existing one, allow us to upload a new image that will replace an existing one. The utility of this is, I believe, self-evident and would be a significant time saver.

  • Charles Line
  • Jan 18 2017
  • Reviewed
  • Samuel Zlatarev commented
    23 Oct 11:34

    I can't understand how this is not yet available..

  • Marcio Gutheil commented
    16 Jul 21:29

    How is this not a thing yet!?!?

  • Jonathan Ochmann commented
    18 Jan 13:49

    So you're telling me I'll have to manually update an image across hundreds of pages now? Great way to spend a weekend I guess 💀💀💀

  • Robbe Nees commented
    October 25, 2023 09:34

    Additionally to updating the asset, also make the asset name editable after it has been uploaded.
    Our client had a pdf with the year it was made uploaded. If they wanted to provide a pdf with just the current year as the file title, they would have to reupload it with the right title and replace it everywhere in the website.... ridiculous...

  • Nathan Lenkowski commented
    September 15, 2023 11:55

    Ugh. I just had to manually update numerous images used across ten different pages, one-by-one. I feel like I'm living in the dark ages of web development here. For the love of god, please prioritize asset replacement via the assets manager!

  • Colin Martin commented
    May 05, 2023 09:40

    6 years later and still not available !

  • Jürgen Strahm commented
    April 26, 2023 15:07

    Replacement would avoid x versions of duplicates in the media section + meta description etc. should be not touched

  • Joe Eitzen commented
    March 23, 2023 20:56

    Where is this at? This is desperately needed for large websites.

  • Ryan Hale commented
    October 21, 2022 22:01

    It's boggling that they didn't set this up in the first place. How is this a sustainable workflow? And why haven't they instituted this update, since this original feature request was submitted back in… 2017???

    I update images all the time — images that show up on dozens of pages. This is a disasterous feature oversight for me.

  • Carlos Tocchetto commented
    September 06, 2022 21:46

    It is September 2022 and webflow didn't manage to add this very basic feature. Five years later and we are still waiting!

  • Ethan Baldwin commented
    May 18, 2022 19:15

    Jumping on this thread. Right now I'm making a work around by turning a re-used, constantly updating data image into a symbol, but being able to simple update the image asset itself would be incredibly helpful.

  • Rachel Klausner commented
    April 12, 2022 14:35

    Really need this feature!! I need to compress all images for better loading and now have to re-assign hundreds of images throughout. Thanks!

  • Ernst Rosén commented
    March 31, 2022 18:56

    Will we ever see this happen?

  • Elly Schietse commented
    March 28, 2022 09:04

    Yes please - I would have hoped this to be basic functionality

  • Mariya Lambrianov commented
    February 16, 2022 20:48

    Its a must! Still no replace :(

  • Matt Hodkinson commented
    October 06, 2021 04:27

    Has the definitely been 'shipped'?

  • Alain commented
    August 13, 2021 10:24

    Does this work now?

    I can't find it.

    Please inform us.

  • Christoffer Furnes commented
    June 28, 2021 20:31

    This has now been labeled as 'Shipped', but I'm not able to figure out how I actually does this!

  • Marcel Deelen commented
    October 22, 2020 17:43

    Is this indeed shipped?

  • John Biethan commented
    December 06, 2017 17:04

    Good generic time of the day!

    Slight "tweak" - we're replacing images with compressed/optimized ones and when we replace the image in the "asset" folder would like the images on/in pages/posts to be updated.

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