Global Styles & Interactions Pallet

Global Swatches in Webflow are great! . . . however the next step beyond this is to support other style properties in a similar fashion.

The idea with "Style Pallet" is to create a place in Webflow where you can define:
1.)  Your collection of colors (Global Swatches)
2.)  Common Dimensions (Global Units?)
3.)  Font Weight Definitions (Global Weights?)
4.)  Animation Definitions (Global Animations?)

Adding functionality like this would make it extremely easy to design systematically.
These should also be available in the CSS as Custom Properties to be referenced in custom code.

  • James Vreeken
  • Sep 14 2017
  • Ellen Carlander commented
    09 Jul 23:04

    As far as I'm aware, there's still not a good work around for global interactions. Currently spending my evening manually adding the same two interactions to every single page on my website ;-)

  • J M commented
    November 27, 2022 21:16

    Yessss - please introduce global animations. I'm tired of having to apply Page Scrolled interactions to each individual page on my site.

    Maybe there's a better way to do it, but I'm not aware of one (if you've heard of one, please comment on this thread).

  • Kwame B commented
    February 04, 2022 00:59

    This would be a game change. Particularly global interactions!

  • Mark Moss commented
    July 26, 2021 12:55

    I'd love for this to be added! I have a page scrolled up/down interaction to adjust the menu size & contents. I currently have to manually add the interaction to each page. A checkbox to make it 'global' would save me so much time.

  • +12