Advanced Code Editor

I would really like to see a more advanced and robust code editor similar to

It would be great to have separate boxes that fill up the entire screen to edit code and integrate it with Webflow components.

  • Cameron Roe
  • Sep 21 2017
  • Michael Wells commented
    26 Nov, 2023 06:13pm

    Cameron you can actually use codepen pro as your editor. The pro plan lets you add .js and .css to your pen URL and embed those directly in your site. Great for testing out quick mockups.

    Code Sandbox is also worth looking at for this purpose.

    But for real programming, I recommend use VS code + a github repo + jsdelivr. This lets you build full project securely, and switch to a more robust language like Typescript.

  • Juan Anderson commented
    28 Sep, 2020 08:30pm

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  • Reese Armstrong commented
    24 Apr, 2020 07:26pm


  • James Watsson commented
    30 Mar, 2020 08:31pm

    This is cool too

  • James Watsson commented
    30 Mar, 2020 08:30pm

    This is awesome. i love the way you shared was so smart way was.

  • Guest commented
    25 Jul, 2019 09:50am

    The combination of several keys is known as Windows Shortcut Keys. Create Desktop Shortcut Window 10  keys are very important for the user to avoid using the mouse and touchpad.

  • Uili Fecteau commented
    17 Oct, 2018 09:01am

    This would be great, especially if you want more developers taking up webflow. Tiny windows to work in sux.

  • +8