CSV Import - Reference and Multi-Reference Fields

This is a major feature for larger websites. What happens to complex Wordpress (or any other CMS) sites with hundreds of articles and dozens of categories? It is impossible to match that amount of records manually. 

Not having the ability to import all the content and match the article with the category collection, is a deal breaker for most clients. The Option field is not an alternative because it doesn't generate dynamic pages.

Please, please, please consider adding this briefly.

I'm voting for Webflow being a true Wordpress competitor. This is really a must have.

  • Sónia Alves
  • Oct 10 2017
  • Shipped
  • Nov 11, 2020

    Admin response

    Hi everyone - excited to share that you can now map CSV content to reference *and* multi-reference fields when importing your CMS content onto Webflow. Read more in our release notes.

  • Leon Vermij commented
    February 16, 2024 22:11

    Do you know it's not working on e-commerce product cms?

  • Monique commented
    April 15, 2021 17:52

    Has anyone figured out how to upload data into a multi-reference field using Zapier, without the need of using the Webhooks (which is a paid feature within Zapier)? I'm using a basic Zapier to upload a bunch of data from a form, but I receive errors for the multi-reference form. Thanks in advance!

  • Matt commented
    November 18, 2020 22:50

    Great to see this has been added after more than 3 years! Unfortunately it's a little too late for me as I lost a customer because they ended up using a developer that used Wordpress instead.

  • Remi Duval commented
    October 09, 2020 02:24

    it's a must

  • Amber Reyngoudt commented
    September 22, 2020 01:00

    I need this too!

  • Jake Kushner commented
    September 16, 2020 08:06
  • Dave Legion commented
    August 27, 2020 09:27

    I wonder how many votes it will take before it rings the 'New-Dev Bell' at Webflow HQ... - 410 perhaps?

  • Timothy Charles commented
    August 08, 2020 04:08

    Really need this capability for a client. Please pick this up.

  • Nils Heinemann commented
    July 02, 2020 11:58

    Let´s go webflow,- make us lucky and work on this!

  • Gillum Media commented
    June 24, 2020 18:45

    Almost July 2020 and still have this issue. How? How can I export the CSV and see that the multi-reference field is organized by semi colons but even when following the same structure it doesn't allow it to import? Even if I export the CSV and try to import the same thing I just exported it doesn't let it happen. We need this!

  • Lesley Toche commented
    June 17, 2020 02:39

    This will change the game on a major level. Would love to see this in the near future.

  • Rex Labs commented
    May 18, 2020 06:48

    If it wasn't for the API work-around I and many people I know probably wouldn't be able to use Webflow.

    This feature would make things sooooo much easier and accessible for large CMS updates and Wordpress migration.

  • YEYMedia commented
    May 12, 2020 10:00

    This feature could save me so much time, its for frustrating that it isn't available.

  • .N commented
    May 12, 2020 05:14

    Please make this happen! The fact that this option is missing is really frustrating :/

  • Gonz Sanchez commented
    April 30, 2020 20:36

    It's insane that this isn't available. It makes Webflow useless for any non-new projects that has more than a few dozen items.

  • Studio commented
    March 31, 2020 06:07

    When you can export multi-reference fields but not import them it just feels like this is a feature that could be implemented sooner rather than later. So frustrating!

  • Christian Skelton commented
    March 17, 2020 10:32

    Such an important feature.

  • Jake Spirek commented
    February 28, 2020 17:36

    Can this be done with the API at least??

  • Antoine Legendre commented
    February 19, 2020 15:51

    Ca serait juste indispensable. 

  • Daniel Lozano commented
    February 07, 2020 15:26

    How is this update going? I'm still in the need to upload a 1000 item catalogue to our website and I would need to manually reference the supplier and categories manually.. that's a lot of manual work. Please give us an update, this idea is more than 2 years old and we have no news.

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