CMS Slider

It would be awesome to have a dynamic slider component with the ability to filter the number of slides, ordering them, etc.

  • Matthieu Layes
  • Jan 18 2017
  • Reviewed
  • Mekinsa Frith commented
    16 Jul 04:02

    This should have been done years ago!

  • Jamon Vissering commented
    19 Jun 19:58


  • Alexander Richter commented
    29 May 22:19

    After 7 years of waiting for the CMS-Slider I thought it's time to complain - but hey, they finally released the crosshair guys! Stop being so impatient & ungrateful here..

  • Tyler Stephens commented
    21 May 16:13

    This is a basic use case. Please support!

  • Nicholas Christowitz commented
    14 May 06:54

    How... is this still not a feature?

  • Mauricio Sola Chico commented
    06 May 02:54

    This needs to happen now honestly, should also happen with some other elements not just the slider but slider is so important. Please add some prebuilt transition/sliding animations but also let us customize that if it's possible somehow. I'm buildin two websites with cms sliders and it's the biggest pain I've been through with the website honestly.

  • Mauricio Sola Chico commented
    26 Apr 03:11

    Vote vote vote vote

  • Mauricio Sola Chico commented
    26 Apr 03:10

    Can't believe this is not happening already

  • Gabrielle Collard commented
    18 Apr 20:49

    Please make it with a carousel option, so it loops infinitely. Pleeeeeeeeese!!!!

  • Admin Jensen commented
    18 Apr 08:27

    So surprising that this isn't part of the CMS setup already.

  • Ronald Taylor commented
    14 Apr 15:22

    Dissapointed this isn't a thing yet....

  • BrandBridge Media commented
    12 Apr 20:55

    7 years later...

  • Luana Teixeira commented
    05 Apr 22:18

    Deal-breaker. Unfortunately, my team will not consider Webflow as a solution for us because of this limitation.

  • Will Price commented
    05 Apr 17:31

    Why is this not a thing? This is a deal-breaker for me.

    I need to be able to display CMS items in a slider using a no-code component. Otherwise, it's not a no-code tool.

    Hacks like seamless-refresh and JetBoost plugins are great, but this needs to be built into the platform ASAP.

  • Frédéric SANUY commented
    03 Apr 23:48

    An absolute necessary tool. Especially as we've had the feature - now its gone.

  • Gerald Morris commented
    01 Apr 06:06

    thanks for sharing..

  • Joep Geelen commented
    08 Mar 20:58

    Crazy and astonishing that Webfow can ignore such a huge demand from the community for such a long time. The Finsweet solution doesn't work for me, so finally I ended up here shouting out "Give us a dynamic CMS Slider please!!!"

  • Doug Sigelbaum commented
    29 Feb 23:34

    How can you possibly use the slider component at scale without this feature?

  • Jonny Miller commented
    28 Feb 23:48

    Add this, everyone is waiting for it, and 6+ years is a long time to wait!

  • Martin Geyer commented
    27 Feb 12:09

    Please add

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