See and copy the html/css on a current page instead of exporting the entire code

I use Webflow almost exclusively for prototyping and producing the template html/css that I use for my web application. I find it really easy to build out a page in Webflow and then just export the code and copy the CSS into my web application. However, it gets a little annoying having to constantly export my code base to get the updated CSS, especially if i'm making style changes on the fly within my application. 

It would be great if there was a separate window that you could toggle between the actual designer portal to see all of the CSS in realtime. That way I can just copy over the changes from that window instead of having exporting it and opening up the file in my text editor. 

  • Chris Prompovitch
  • Oct 17 2017
  • Ayame commented
    19 Oct, 2017 08:03pm

    Do you mean something like this but within webflow?

  • +2