As Brandon from Webflow says, it is possible to create a new CMS item via API and push it live.
However, it is not possible to update an existing one and push that update live.
This feature though is crucial when using Webflow for an e-commerce site where regular synchronizing (of stock availability, prices etc.) is required via API. Currently, the only workaround seems to be to force Publish Site via API, which may not always be desired though.
Please, please consider adding this... Thank you! :)
Good news! This request has been shipped. Please find the documentation here.
This is a great news! Thank you very much, Webflow! Much appreciated! :)
> Webflow Wishlist
> 12. 2. 2018 18:40
Encouraging news towards the bottom of this thread:
We need to be able to update CMS items for property listings including price and status. The update of the item needs to be live. Please prioritise.