Favorites in the Template Store

When creating a new project and selecting a starting point or template, it would be quite useful to be able to mark top available templates as a Favorite. There should also be "Favorites" view in the "Or choose a template" filter selector i.e. "All   Free   Premium   Favorites"  The thumbnails should also show a heart icon on the top-right to indicate and toggle Favorited status. While in the Favorites view, if user Unfavorites a given template, a confirmation modal should appear and the thumbnail should disappear from the view if user confirms removal from Favorites. In all other views, the toggle would simply change the indicator between an on and off state without a modal and without removing the thumbnail from the active view. 

Not only would this vastly improve the UX of shopping for and narrowing down a final template selection for a given project, but I believe it will ultimately motivate more template sales with designers over the long term because top choices will always be easily accessible rather than starting the shopping experience over again with every new session like the user is a stranger to Webflow.

Speaking for myself, each time I start a new Webflow project, I often find more than one template that catches my eye but of course I ultimately only chose one for a given project. Favorites would allow the shopping experience to resume and deepen over time by always keeping top candidates close at hand rather than lost in the shuffle or forgotten altogether. Please up-vote this idea if you like it! Thanks.

  • Robert Holtz
  • Nov 13 2017