Show Collection items from multiple Collections in one Collection list

I think it should be possible to output within the collection list module two or more collections. Why?

For example, you have two collections A and B which displays work out of your portfolio. You need two collections because A and B have totally different layouts and fields, but in your overview of your portfolio you want to display one list, that should be sorted. In the moment that's impossible with Webflow.


Below is a little visual, which shows the above-described use-case. 

  • Maurice Hofmann
  • Jan 24 2018
  • Alex Dixon commented
    18 Oct, 2024 09:16am


    Use case
    Property site has properties which are either Rent now or Coming soon.

    The Rent now collection has 30 fields and the Coming soon collection has 15, which are also in Rent now collection (basically coming soon is a cutdown version of the rent now collection).

    We have a property listing page that need to show both types of property in one list.

    Current workaround
    I have to use a single collection for both type of property. However, for Coming soon, 50% of the fields are redundant. I also can't used the "required" attribute on them.

  • Javier Estévez Cabrera commented
    2 Mar, 2023 04:14pm

    Why this is still not ready? It's so basic

  • Ashwin Kumar commented
    11 May, 2021 09:44pm

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  • Terence Flowers commented
    3 Dec, 2020 08:00pm

    Yes, pretty pretty please.

  • Jon So commented
    4 Nov, 2020 04:13pm


  • Whitaker commented
    5 Oct, 2020 02:17am

    This is the closest thing I found to do this...FinSweet Combing JS Function

  • Noah Scott commented
    22 Jun, 2020 08:39am

    @webflow any updates? Seems like a popular use-case to display a mix of collection items together as one. Or any suggestions for workarounds? I'm a bit worried as I assumed this was possible and sold an internal project to deliver a new blog based on this...

  • Edward Goin commented
    22 Mar, 2020 04:31pm

    ah, wish I could edit the above comment... a few times I referenced "three of this" or "three of that"... three was just an example... you can have as many post types as you want, as long as their combined fields (some fields being shared across multiple post types, and some being specific to a particular post type) are in total 30 fields or less (under the CMS plan) , or 60 or less (under the Biz plan)

  • Edward Goin commented
    22 Mar, 2020 04:27pm

    I really want this too, as it would make life much easier, but there IS a workaround and here are the steps:


    If you have multiple collection types (and different page templates to go with each) that you want to be listed in ONE collection list (with the ability to sort by date across all the collections), you FIRST need to combine those multiple collection types into ONE CMS collection... might be tough to do with only 30 fields per collection, but with business hosting this can go up to 60 fields. Should be enough to get the job done, especially since many fields work for all kinds of posts (title, date, author, etc)...


    Make sure one of the fields in the combined collection is "Post Type", and you can set this by a dropdown or by creating reference collection.


    On your template page, create three "master sections", one for each type of post, and set a visibility filter for each based on the post type. That way, the generated page will only show the relevant section


    Design each section as you would have designed each separate template page.



  • Chat Clussman commented
    7 Mar, 2020 10:42pm

    Content marketing is a big deal for marketing departments everywhere. Being able to have a resource center with different kinds of content is really important for them. Ideally, you can build something like a relational collection that allows you to select common fields from different collections.

  • William Valvo commented
    2 Dec, 2019 09:57pm

    The main issue here is when you have a single collection, with the same core content, but with multiple types.

    For example, imagine collection Articles with an Image, Author, and Text.

    However, there are multiple types of Articles. Feature, Standard, and Snippet.

    These three types need a different collection page each. A visually dramatic one for Features, a plain one for Standard, and a smaller one for Snippet. 

    They are are all Articles, so you would want to easily pull up a feed (collection list) of all articles, in a grid for example. 

  • Norbert Weiss commented
    29 Aug, 2019 02:08pm

    Looking forwarding to seeing someone's explanation of the 'business logic' behind this, e.g. with filtering more than one table, (different) field names of collection items, and so on.

    Also, there seem to be some ways to avoid - usually easy to avoid - problems when I read "I have 3 collection lists because I wanted 3 separate layouts".

  • Ryan Deshaies commented
    11 Aug, 2019 03:22pm

    Gotta make this happen. I have 3 collection lists because I wanted 3 separate layouts for my content but on my home page I have to play a numbers game and make sure that each collection has an even number of items. Then, on top of that, I have to make sure that each item has an even number of category references in the multi-reference field so that it matches up when the user filters.

  • Joshua Fry commented
    8 Aug, 2019 11:58am

    Just to add a common use case to this  –  I require it in order to show Blog posts and Events within the same list.

  • Syamsul Rozmey commented
    21 May, 2019 11:13pm

    Really need this

  • Slow Dance commented
    23 Apr, 2019 01:03pm

    any updates on this?

  • Jon So commented
    20 Jul, 2018 07:58pm

    Really need this.

  • Alex Cheng commented
    23 May, 2018 03:18pm

    Definitely! There should be an option to show ALL collection items in a collection list module. Then we can sort them and filter them. 

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