Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit DESIGNER-I-5 Support for larger media queries/breakpoints.

Custom Breaking Point and Over Scale Designer Merged

Custom Breaking points would be superior!

Most annoying thing is that Webflow desktop breaking point is 992px and we cannot change it. This making designing very hard. Lots of people use these days least HD 1920x1080 resolution. But we have to make design by this 992px.

It would be great to adjust even couple own breaking points. Least in desktop. (see bp.png)

 Working with a small screen,

Let's say i work with a laptop resolution 1280x720 or 1680x1050. In designer with these resolutions i can only work with width 992px or 1385px. Would be nice to have some zoom system to see larger resolution view (HD & even UHD) and still work in designer.

Maybe something like Chrome browser device view (see os.png)

  • Keuda Media
  • May 8 2018
  • Shipped
  • David commented
    22 May, 2018 02:52am

    This issue is already open., you can build the site without a container, I have done two now without a container and have worked perfectly, the only issue is landscape tablet which has no breakpoints, so you have to manually do this.