We use the Asset Manager to host some pdf files that we want to make public. It would be super helpful if we could could replace files in the asset manager instead of having to upload new.
Replacing files would allow us to update the file itself without having to update all the pages the file may already be linked to.
Why has this not been implemented. This thread exists since 2018.... PLEASE...!!!
This is a big deal right now for a client of mine... Same as others mentioned: I need to Update a bunch of PDFs and keep the current link.
I cannot even redirect from the old file URL to the new one.
YES!!!! We need this ASAP!
This should be a basic feature and expected behaviour. We should be able to update any asset in place.
Often I'll be building a site on one screen and have photoshop/illustrator going on the other and tweaking things as I go.
Saves time: No need to update each asset across the site, or create unnecessary components to get the same functionality
Declutters: Having 7 iterations of the same file in the asset panel is annoying, requiring you to clean up every so often. This is equivalent of the defragmentation tool in Windows: it wouldn't be necessary if it manages thing correctly in the first place.
Webflow Team: You'd end up saving storage space on your servers.
Please implement it 🙏🏽
We have clients with 30+ documents referenced on multiple locations. A replace feature would help us out so much. A bit surprised to see this hasn't been addressed yet!
It's been five years, please add this basic feature I beg of you.
No-brainer! This feature would help so much!
I just commented on the Upload and replace images (all instances) idea, which should be merged with this one. Please prioritize asset replacement via the assets manager! It is much needed, by many developers.
Please add this feature!
Hey! 👋
I am currently planning to build a simple app to help us manage assets, for now I am focusing on being able to get clean and professional Asset URLs instead of the ugly URLs Webflow provides us.
I may be adding a feature to easily replace files as well and not have to deal with this kind of problem anymore...
I am currently launching a WAITING LIST so if you really want that issue to be solved and why not ask for other requests subscribe here: https://cleanassetlink.webflow.io/
See you. Brahim 🙂
Pleeeeeeease add this!
In 2023, not seeing how to replace a file, which breaks the ability to host and link files that periodically need to be updated. PLEASE ADD THIS FEATURE
Come on, Webflow, catch up with what your users need. Based on the thread, we've been asking for this very basic feature for YEARS!
You've got to be kidding me...
Honestly embarrassing that this wasn't a launch feature
You can't be serious I can't do this...it's 2022!
This feature is one of the most important ones for easy website management.
replacing images from the file manager would be much easier than changing them everywhere used.