Custom order for Collection Items

At the moment there is little possibility to easily achieve custom ordering of items of a collection.

Outside in the CMS world—and I'm taking Drupal as an example—custom ordering is quite always achieved the same way: there is a custom "order" field, that is updated anytime the order of items is manually changed in a backend section. Editors will manually reorder items by dragging them up and down the list, and the value of the order field is updated after each drag. In the template, the list is set to be sorted depending on this order field.

A very popular module to do this on Drupal can be seen here:

A list and comparisons of the ordering modules can be seen here:

  • Vincent Bidaux
  • Jan 19 2017
  • David Bernier commented
    3 Jul, 2024 06:41pm

    Let's go Webflow!

  • Kevin Brenkman commented
    9 May, 2024 07:32pm


  • Manuel Zechner commented
    31 Jan, 2024 08:24pm

    Every single client of mine asks for this. Everyone. They don't care for logic, for users, or apps, they literally just want to reorder their stuff. I had to rebuild whole websites with other tools because this is such an essential feature.

  • Matt Sims commented
    31 Aug, 2023 12:07pm

    Good news! Thanks to Webflow's latest app updates, this is finally available within the Webflow Designer via the Flow Guys Toolkit app. Check it out...

  • Masturah Maidin commented
    21 Jul, 2023 05:22pm

    I can't believe I tried looking for a solution and it took me to a ticket dated over 6 years ago, and still open... :|

  • SketchzLab commented
    18 Jul, 2023 05:42am

    This is pretty much a needed feature. Looking at this, it seems has been 6 years and this is still not resolved yet. Hopefully they will do something about it.

    Creating a numbering field is kinda irritating especially when the CMS items are alot. Everytime when the items need to be rearranged, we're basically needed to update every single of the CMS item. 😵‍💫

    WEBFLOW~! Please work on this.

  • Himanshu Chawla commented
    8 Jan, 2023 05:38pm

    Hi everyone, as Webflow team hasn't launched an official solution for this issue, we have built a Webflow Collection Sorter Chrome extension! With this extension, you can easily and quickly rearrange the order of your CMS collection items in Webflow using a simple drag and drop interface. Using the extension is pretty simple:

    - Install the extension
    - Add a "Sort Order" number field
    - Use the Sort button to launch the drag-and-drop interface to reorder the collection items.

    Extension link:

  • Sébastien Plisson commented
    4 Jan, 2023 12:45pm

    I just created a new post about this feature but not only. I'm talking about being able to create sections for the designer thatn clients can add, remove or reorder in the editor

  • Steven Maas commented
    21 Nov, 2022 10:00am

    Bump, we need this!

  • Jeremy commented
    9 Nov, 2022 08:13pm

    Still very much needed!

  • Petra Ouhrabkova commented
    28 Aug, 2022 01:51pm

    Please, please, please. We use CMS with practically every single business and this would be a huge time saver. Thank you!

  • Cesar Lopez commented
    17 Aug, 2022 10:47am

    I decided to add this comment because it's been over a month since someone else's plea and I just built another FAQ with only 12 questions and it's still a pain to customize the order of the list by using a number field. Thus I was reminded how desperately there needs to be an option to to customize the order of collection items. A manual drag-and-drop option would be ideal for most clients.

  • Rafael Bergstrom commented
    13 Jul, 2022 11:40pm

    Please make this happen!!!! We're a small nonprofit and this has been a really big hinderance for efficiency in website edits for us.

  • Jonas Cederholm commented
    13 Jul, 2022 07:42pm

    I can't believe this is still on the wishlist 5 years later. It really is a bad joke at this point. Sort by manually added numbers on each individual cms item you say? Yeah clients really love doing that. Give me a break ...

  • Michael Hoang commented
    2 Jun, 2022 04:33pm

    Any updates on this?! So many of our clients are not enjoying the experience of sorting by numbers, it get's too complicated and messy when managing CMS items.

    Can we get going with this drag funcationality please!

  • Tyler Griffin commented
    31 May, 2022 09:36pm

    What has been holding this up for 5 years?

    Make a new field type: 'Order/Position'

    It does not have to highjack the current 'Sort By' functionality, users can simply set 'Sort By' => 'Order/Position'

    Every time an item gets an updated value in the 'Order/Position' field, the rest of the items in the table get scanned and updated as needed

    If it's it not possible to updates all other items in the table automatically, there is still a solution using decimals instead of integers. When you drag an item between 2 other items, check the 'Order/Position' values of the other 2 items and update the 'Order/Position' of the dragged item to whatever decimal place value is needed to get in between the other 2. It's hacky, but this is basically what we have to do currently through a manually created field and I don't see why this wouldn't work for a draggable sort tool.

  • David commented
    5 May, 2022 04:18pm

    This comes up on most projects I work on, I can't believe this still isn't a thing.

  • Alistair Williams commented
    5 May, 2022 01:30pm

    Super essential – pls add.

  • Freedom Doran commented
    2 May, 2022 05:26pm

    Oh my god guys its not that hard of a feature to add please hurry up, its literally a basic feature even on Wix lol

  • Web LoveWell commented
    26 Apr, 2022 08:29pm

    Seriously guy.....hurry the freak up with this option.

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