This is self explanatory.
Hi all - jumping in with an update here. If you missed it, we added a new set of larger breakpoints in April 2020. We chose the new set of breakpoints based on feedback from everyone here and have gotten confirmation that it covers 90% of your use cases. Take a look at our Webflow University lesson that does a deep dive on our breakpoints and how to use them to cover your needs.
That said, custom breakpoints are still on our minds, but for the time being, we’ll be working on other higher priority projects, some listed right here in this wishlist.
Pleaaase, I still struggle with 1920x1080p crappy laptops and have to make the same breakpoints as 27" et 32" displays 😭
Need custom breakpoints asap! Surprised we still have to ask after all these years.
My God, this is a 2017 proposal. I've only been working with webflow for a few days. I've tried two of the most difficult requirements on the web and found that webflow has a lot of features that are not easy to implement. It wasn't until I tried to adapt different size styles that I realized that there was no support for adding breakpoints, which is much easier if you develop custom css.
I cant use webflow unless they fix this issue.
How this is still not considered a high priority issue, I do not know. Clearly many people are having issues with the iPad 12.9" version looking awful for their design and should not be forced to change their whole design based on this one issue. I myself have run into this issue with my website at the moment and it's just impossible to fix a work around.
Surely this must be a simple fix, even to put it in the project settings and set it to be enabled or disabled and then be able to set custom breakpoints.
As another person commented it is essential to have another breakpoint at least between 992-1220 range.
I just love how 5 years later, people are STILL asking for this.
Like c'mon now...yet we have "blurred vision" site preview...because that's SO handy...
Idk man, I don't get it.
It is imperative to have at least one more breakpoint between 992-1220
Custom breakpoints surely is a necessity for custom websites? I have a custom interactive and quite complex section on my website, and it requires a custom breakpoint not corresponding with the standard desktop and tablet screen widths. Odd this isn't a feature.
Basic thing to have in the platform
iPad Pro (1024) looks awful
Agree with everyone else. We need custom breakpoints. Seems straightforward and obvious.
Unreal this doesn't exist
New to webflow, but seasoned in ux and design... with all the unique and "zany," to slick websites created on the webflow platform, it blows my mind this does not exist... I mean, webflow demonstrates don't have to follow the traditional model for website creation, SO WHY IS THIS NOT SUPPORTED?? Seems like a no brainer — viewport proliferation is so varied across the millions of mobile phones, desktop browsers and TV, it's odd to be constrained... the four standard breakpoints are old world form the early 2000s.... LFG!
smh webflow trippin.. we need dis pls
This should be a basic feature for any no code builder. All the designs I have to work on use a 1366px breakpoint and had to do them on WordPress/Other platforms because this feature is not implemented on webflow, such a shame.
Yes please, I keep running into issues with iPad pro taking on the desktop breakpoint, making my designs look like shiiit. Custom breakpoints are so necessary
I understand your approach to say that the fixed breakpoints pick up 90% of the users. However, it is not only a question from the user's point of view but also often a question of design at which point which element changes and how. Fixed breakpoints force us designers to create the design in such a way that for certain elements the change takes place exactly at/in these breakpoints/boundary areas, although it would not have been necessary for this particular element yet.
+1 to custom breakpoints. Or, at least one more mobile size.
Custom breakpoints are crucial.