Add Mollie as Payment Service Provider

Mollie is the Benelux equivalent of Stripe. It's very developer friendly, offers all major payment methods and is inexpensive. Moreover, it offers certain payment options which are very specific to The Netherlands and Belgium and thus helps improve conversion at checkout.

  • Reginald Ofori
  • Aug 13 2019
  • Reviewed
  • Léon van de Klundert commented
    June 11, 2024 13:18

    This made me use Shopify for all new webshop clients.
    Such a shame. I love working with Webflow.

  • Vera Westenberg commented
    February 29, 2024 01:57

    Can we please have this anytime? Very much struggling to connect a payment provider to my site!

  • Daan Steegmans commented
    November 06, 2023 11:13

    Please get this done!

  • Jasin Idrissi commented
    June 16, 2023 10:27

    Did anybody try to integrate it using Webflow Logic? Or other tools like Zapier or

  • Matthias Solberghe commented
    May 22, 2023 07:20

    Massive blocker here for Belgian clients I have. People here simply don't have or use credit cards, we only use Bancontact.

  • Miel Pannecoucke commented
    October 25, 2022 11:44

    Please make this work! otherwise it's almost completely useless to build webshops with Webflow here in the Benelux

  • Thomas commented
    July 27, 2022 12:58

    Hi Webflow team, This is truly a must for all European customers of the platform. I'm a newbie to the platform and use it for Ecommerce. Never have I suspected the crucial importance of our loyal payment gateway. An integration would provide all potential European customers with a familiar payment gateway using debit (almost all local banks supported), Creditcard, Apple Pay Afterpay, Cryptocurrencies, Coupons ánd Recurring/Subscription payment options. We already received payment gateway related requests by our loyal customers, and this can only become worse. Please, please open up a dialog with Mollie. They are a relatively young company with an advanced (and quick) developer team. This would also bring more European customers to start using Webflow, so it would truly benefit all parties involved. Thanks!

  • Maarten Bennis commented
    July 14, 2022 11:37

    And while you are at it implement the recurring payment features Mollie support.

  • Sync Development commented
    February 07, 2022 16:57

    This is a must!

  • Ben Roggen commented
    January 24, 2022 12:06


  • Wesley Botman commented
    January 04, 2022 15:34

    As an agency we would build all of our e-commerce websites (for dutch companies) in Webflow if Mollie was supported. Or fix the ideal support for Stripe so we could use that.

  • Project Lala Salama commented
    December 22, 2021 10:51

    Yes pleaseee

  • Say commented
    November 10, 2021 09:00

    This is a must for europe payments. If this is possible the growth of use of webflow will insignificantly grow..

  • Jonathan Beijersbergen van Henegouwen commented
    September 19, 2021 06:34
    Since the last comment was in July, I would like to also know what 'reviewed' means? Mollie is a great solution for EU based e-commerce websites and would bring Webflow a whole new audience! Please let us know or implement this as soon as possible, looking forward to it!!
  • Tom commented
    July 03, 2021 10:33

    What does the status "Reviewed" means? Does this mean this idea will be impletemented soon?? Would be great - WE LOVE MOLLIE.

  • Jaap van Houtum commented
    May 10, 2021 06:58

    We would like to build the integration between Webflow and Mollie. If there are people from Webflow that read this forum, I would be happy to get the conversation started.

  • Soil commented
    January 19, 2021 13:51

    Please, fix this as soon as posible...

  • Josse Marchoul commented
    November 30, 2020 20:19

    Want this so bad

  • Zavala commented
    November 27, 2020 11:45

    I just don't understand how this is taking so long.

  • Marlies van Gelder commented
    October 03, 2020 19:37

    Yes please! This is the only thing holding me back using webflow for all of my clients. We need Mollie :)

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