Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit WEBFLOW-I-58 Multi-language sites and CMS fields.

Local site translations - Language code Merged

You already set the language code to a website via advanced settings, but you don't translate for instance days with this information.

So if you use a CMS element as date, you still get "Thursday", even if you change the local of the site. And you have no option to translate this yourself, unless you add a custom script.

You could make a translation sheet for all your data, such as days, form field pre-text etc. and get the community to translate and vote for the correct translation. Just like Facebook did in the beginning.

  • Okayokay
  • Oct 31 2019
  • Shipped
  • David Austin commented
    7 Nov, 2019 10:58am

    Translation is the way toward rendering content from one language into another with the goal that the significance is equal. Localization is an increasingly complete procedure and addresses social and non-literary segments just as semantic issues while adjusting a product or service for another country or locale.

  • +12