Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit WEBFLOW-I-1226 Better conflict resolution for cross site copy/paste.

Merging CSS classes with the same properties Merged

If you´re going to create a CSS class and didn't know that the properties are the same as an existing one.

If that happens, it would be nice that a pop-up or some sort will come up and gives you the choices of, accepting the existing class to be used or keep using the current class.

This will reduce the amount of classes that have the same properties, and it forces you to name the classes in a more generic way, for better code readability.

  • Anuar Abdullahi
  • Nov 10 2019
  • Reviewed
  • Arran Ching commented
    4 Dec, 2020 12:07pm

    yes would absolutely love this feature to help increase our website speed!

  • Austin Knight commented
    10 May, 2020 05:50pm

    Huge +1 to this.

    I have a bunch of duplicate classes left over from my early days of Webflow, when I was still learning the tool. For example, "Column 14" and "Column 74", both of which just remove the standard 10px padding lol.

    It would be great to incorporate this into the Style Manager's Clean Up tool. In addition to deleting unused classes, it could merge duplicate ones.

  • Jake Spirek commented
    13 Nov, 2019 10:52pm

    Might be able to merge into this one?


  • +3