Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit WEBFLOW-I-1870 Afterpay/Klarna/DIBS Integration.

Klarna checkout in Webflow Ecommerce Merged

Would be great to see Klarna Checkout in Webflows own Ecommerce Solutions soon. Klarna is growing and is almost used entirely here in Sweden as a checkout method.

  • Tim Larsson
  • Dec 19 2019
  • Reviewed
  • Simon Gustafsson commented
    16 Mar, 2021 12:18pm

    Come on Webflow. New payment methods is a must

  • Eivind Brækkan Engstad commented
    24 Feb, 2021 09:00pm

    c'mon, help us scandiavian web developers out a bit.

  • Marcus Andersson commented
    4 Feb, 2021 07:19am

    Since October, one million Americans have joined Klarna every month. Now on sunday Klarna will show a commercial during the NFL Super Bowl final. With that said, Klarna is a big player and it is important to be able to use as a checkout method.

  • Chris commented
    30 Dec, 2020 09:37pm

    Having Klarna as a payment option is absolutely vital in Germany.

  • Webflow One commented
    15 Dec, 2020 01:16pm

    Please add Klarna... we can't use Webflow ECommerce in Austria just because Klarna cant be integrated...

  • Tibor Gludovatz commented
    5 Nov, 2020 08:24am

    Same for Austria

  • Johannes Rebmann commented
    10 Oct, 2020 12:26am

    Klarna would change everything. Without a bank transfer option, webflow ecommerce is useless in Germany.

  • Tibor Gludovatz commented
    17 Sep, 2020 08:28pm

    I‘ve just opened one of my other ecommerce systems - in this case it was Ecwid - where it is possilbe to offer ‚Sofort‘ (aka ‚Klarna‘) within Stripe...why can‘t this be implemented with Webflow?

  • Nicklas Schmölker commented
    17 Jul, 2020 05:29am

    Would be great to have Klarna integrated with Webflow Ecommerce!

    I have created a demo site showing that is's possible to integrate Klarna Checkout with Webflow.

    Check it out here:

  • Desiré Bergqvist commented
    17 Jun, 2020 03:13pm

    When will this be integrated?

    I now had to choose another platform than Webflow 4 times for 3 different clients!?!
    I would prefer to use Webflow but on the Swedish/Nordic market Klarna is the only viable option and that automatically removes you as an option...

  • Matteo Grand commented
    13 Jun, 2020 02:34pm

    This is table stakes these days

  • Jonas Auernhammer commented
    7 Jun, 2020 11:59pm

    This is sooooooo important nowadays, i have to potential customers that both would buy into webflow if there was klarna integration. Just to muche of their customers use it ..

  • Mark Whitley commented
    24 May, 2020 10:51am

    This would be amazing for small businesses looking to attract customers back! Klarna would give them the opportunity to split the payments up. The current workarounds are a little code heavy :-(

  • Nicole Snell commented
    20 May, 2020 08:46am

    A very good idea. Visit my site at this link go to. Here you will find the best online slots. They will help you have a good time.

  • Marius Ihlar commented
    12 May, 2020 05:09pm

    Great idéa!

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