Cookie Management and Cookie Opt-In for EU Customers
Sites that use cookies have special rules in the EU, and having built in Cookie management would be very helpful to comply with specific EU regulations.
I can't believe this has been open for more than 7 years 😳 Meanwhile, there is no website on this planet that doesn't require a cookie consent.
Would someone please provide more information on the current status of this ticket and the expected implementation date (if it's even in the pipeline)?
I agree - I'm really looking forward to cookie management support for us EU users. It's a pain having to either pay for 3rd party solutions when it could be integrated directly into webflow or create the pop-ups myself.
How is this still not a thing
THIS needs to be done ! Seriously webflow ? What are you doing ?
I can't believe this has been open for more than 7 years 😳 Meanwhile, there is no website on this planet that doesn't require a cookie consent.
Would someone please provide more information on the current status of this ticket and the expected implementation date (if it's even in the pipeline)?
Many thanks in advance!
Pretty much every EU customer needs this by law to manage consent, and we're all using 3rd party solutions for it.
This will make creating new websites so much easier!
Please make this happen
Needs to be combined with:
This is website 101 stuff - this also has a huge amount of up votes - listen to the customers
Pleasssseee help us!!
Any updates?
Webflow guys, we need this please !
This would be a time and ache saver!!
@Dave Sloane If possible add GDPR to the title so this wish is easier to find.
When is it planed to integrate a feature like this?
it is substential in EU.
maybe through a integration of another service like @iubenda
Hard to conceive of why this is not seen as essential. Not a pro platform without it.
I agree - I'm really looking forward to cookie management support for us EU users. It's a pain having to either pay for 3rd party solutions when it could be integrated directly into webflow or create the pop-ups myself.
Any news on this or a statement from webflow staff?
I read through a lot of forums regarding this topic and it feels like WF is ignoring the topic completely. Is it really so hard to implement?
This is a no-brainer. Needs to be a feature.
…would be great!