We often have several design changes that need to be made, and letting multiple designers access and make changes to the same project simultaneously would be incredibly valuable.
Hi all - good news on this front: we've made some major improvements to how teams work together in Webflow today, which you can read all about in our announcement blog post.
There's still more work to solve the pain points described in this wishlist item, and we have a lot more planned to make collaboration better in Webflow, but we're excited to take this step forward today and look forward to working with you all on our research for future enhancements.
This limitation (aka, only one person can use designer mode at a time) became a significant obstacle for a recent project where we had hoped to meet a client deadline, but sadly couldn't, even though we are a small, nimble team.
Do you have plans to fully address this? I'm super keen to hear your commitment to making what is otherwise a superb product into something game-changing.
I've spent the last couple of months testing Webflow myself and it has been great. I really hyped it up to my team to convince them to give it a try. Unfortunately, Webflow is not practical at all for teams. No collaboration, no change tracking to see what other people have done, only weird conflicts and lost data.
The current language for "Core", and additional team members with Designer access is deceitfully unclear. No where does it mention the inability for two members, with Designer access, to not be able to edit pages in the same project.
My expectation when paying money, for additional seats, is the ability for each team mate to, at the very very least, edit unique pages in the same project. And, at best, be able to view the same page in designer, and go back and forth on edits, just like Google Docs.
This feature seems like it is an essential aspect of creating modern websites using Webflow.
Its disapointing that services like Wix have had this feature standard on their subscriptions while it seems that Webflow has not found it worthwhile to invest the necessary resources.
Very needed for our team especially when working with copy teams and design teams
we bought team account and surprised we can't use it at the same time.
Why team account exits? It just changes nothing compared to the "solo" plan. most of time more problem and conflicts and lost of content.
This is also related to granular permissions per user https://wishlist.webflow.com/ideas/WEBFLOW-I-1
This sadly is limiting webflow to small teams and companies. You could add this as an enterprise feature and make tons of $$. Sadly we are going to have to leave webflow if this is not added very soon. I would prefer a similar check out and merge with master flow that github uses.
This feature would remove a major impediment for my team! Please hurry!
I'm agree... we just moved our project to the team plan, and what a surprise ^ we can't use it at the same time !! Why do you make this feature ? It just changes nothing compared to the "solo" plan.
@webflow: when will the update be coming for allowing multiple desingers to work concurrently in the same project?
@Webflow: Is there anything planned regarding this? Thank you
Even only allowing working on different pages would be a game changer [2]
This! Having a small studio and working with 2 people on different projects is impossible. We now have to make a 'who works when in Webflow' schedule.
Team plan without collaboration makes no sense!
More than needed!
Adding my votes to this. It's such a problem for only one my team members to work in Designer on the same project. This is definitely a needed feature (allow for more than one user to "check" out individual pages in the same project so we can get more done more efficiently). It's a little absurd to expect only one person at a time to manage an entire project when there are so many different tasks different users could be doing simultaneously.
We're still here so eager for this feature!
This is vital.
Today, this is a must have. Don't understand how a professional team should work together on a site. Additionally, the transferring is really complicated, and doesn't seem to work with active hosting. Meaning, you have to take your SITE DOWN to let someone else make changes...
So, this tool will be stuck with individuals, rather than professional teams... What a pity!
This is the biggest drawback to webflow. After building projects in React and using a gitflow and even dealing with the dreaded merge conflicts I would much rather deal with them than to not being able to work on the same project as a team.