[Low pagespeed score] Automatically split CSS to decrease the load time of pages.

At this moment, Webflow loads the whole CSS file at every page load. This causes the page speed score on, for instance, Google PageSpeed Insights to be poor. In addition to this, it also loads al

It would be great if we could remove those unused styles and keep only what is necessary for a given page. This means the output CSS file of WebFlow will be split into separate CSS files, thus increasing the page loading speed.

  • Tijs van der Werff
  • Mar 9 2021
  • Reviewed
  • Website Speedy commented
    17 Feb 11:37

    You're spot on—loading the entire CSS file on every page can definitely slow things down and affect your PageSpeed score. One way to tackle this issue is by optimizing the CSS file and reducing its size to only include the necessary styles for each page.

    Additonally, I recommend trying Website Speedy. It automates CSS optimizations and helps improve load times by reducing unnecessary styles, giving your website a performance boost!

    Check it out here: https://webflow.com/apps/detail/website-speedy

  • Tri Le commented
    21 Jan 16:21


  • Andrew Freund commented
    October 01, 2024 22:34

    Crickets from Webflow.........After more than 3 years after this suggestion was made, it still hasnt been addressed or replied to it.

    Webflow's forums and wishlists are filled with customers struggling with product related issues which plague customers website performance & SEO scores. A great deal of the user feedback dates back 6 years ago or more.

    If Webflow Customers are struggling just to get a good site performance & SEO score, then what's the point of using Webflow?

  • Adriano Resende commented
    June 18, 2024 17:46

    This is very important for larger websites. React, or another framework works very well with this feature to improve SEO.

  • Developer Projektionisten commented
    January 11, 2024 13:33

    We would also love to see this.

  • Ostojic Stefan commented
    January 04, 2024 18:56

    I need this!

  • Jacob Harmon commented
    December 03, 2023 04:47

    This is absolutely needed. Please consider this. On larger Webflow projects the CSS file becomes very large.

  • Branden Harvey commented
    August 18, 2023 04:36

    Webflow, we need this.

  • Guest commented
    February 18, 2022 20:54


  • Guest commented
    February 18, 2022 20:53

    I can recommend https://stacket.app/ for advanced pagespeed cores

  • Ivan Petrovic commented
    November 27, 2021 01:05

    This is becoming super important both for JS and CSS.

    Any updates from Webflow team?

  • +6