Increase document size upload limit from 10mb

Simply rules out producing websites for clients that need to upload documents to list on their site (client side CMS user). And no, 3rd party solutions don't cut it for reasons such as workflow, security etc...

  • Ben Fletcher
  • Mar 22 2021
  • Reviewed
  • Cole Schneider commented
    23 Jun, 2023 02:43pm

    I agree with Jurie's recent comment, this is a bit of a deal-breaker for many users. Unfortunately I was unaware until many hours into my site's development and am now at a frustrating crossroad that may lead me away from your platform.

    In 2023, a 10mb limit for individual document uploads is an unexpected limitation. This feature request is from 2021! Please respond with where this item is on your development board.

    I imagine your support team has dealt with frustrated users due to this issue for years, give them some relief!

  • Jurie Van Staden commented
    21 Jun, 2023 07:29am

    Why is the limit so small still? A 4 Mb limit in 2023 is just unacceptable.
    This post is from 2021. Has anything changed? When will we see an update Webflow?

    The small limit is a make-or-break thing, I would appreciate it if you paid attention to the user urgent request.

  • Team Kinetic commented
    8 Jun, 2022 02:30pm
  • +6