This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit WEBFLOW-I-893 Ability to style CSS Combinators: combo classes, pseudo classes, nested classes.
Support pseudo-classes, such as first-child, nth-child(n), etc. within the Designer class selector.
Dude. This is not a feature? Ugh.
+1 x 10,000
It's the end of 2020 now.... where are we at with nth-child and first-child? Want to do some fancy paragraph styling and was really hoping to find that here.
This would be a great addition.
Important feature, somewhat easy to implement.
From the child view: allow all child elements to be selected ('set inherit from Section'), and only if they're all the same element category ('div', or 'list', or whatever).
Webview would determine how deep that relationship is (is it 'div.section > div > div.child' or is it 'div.section > div > div > div > div.child'?).
For first-type/last-type: each style from the Style tab (right menu) would have an icon allowing user to toggle whether to use applicable style (Webflow would determine what's first or last).
For nth-child/not: Webflow would have a nth-child selector in the Styles tab (right menu), allowing user to set the child number to affect.
This would be super handy in a whole host of situations
bumping this :)
Would love to have this
Yes please support it!
Yes just searched hoping this would be in here. Could very-much use.
Yes! Please add support for pseudo elements
This has been 2 years now almost.
An alternative angle: