More CMS date formats and in different languages

I know that I can display the date of the CMS post using the European style DD/MM/YYY but I would like to be able to use the name of the month or the day of the week in my language.

Also, in this formatting : DD MMM YYYY (18 Jan 2017) or DD MMMM YYYY (18 January 2017)

  • Gustavo Correa
  • Jan 18 2017
  • Reviewed
  • Paul Walsh commented
    09 Jul 09:48

    Ahhh I had a date wrong for ages... that's why!

    Are there any plans for this? Would be nice to know if/when we can expect it?

  • René de Haas commented
    05 Jul 14:29

    Any updates?

  • Adriano Resende commented
    18 Jun 17:51

    If we merge all the ideas, the votes will also increase.

  • Daniel commented
    13 Jun 08:13

    Could you please add DD.MM.YY?

    Localization (translation) of dates does not work!!

  • Admin commented
    09 Jun 11:37

    Just wanted to add: It would be really helpful if you could choose the time in 24h-format in the date/time-picker for cms. I'm so confused by the am/pm-format.

  • Remix867 commented
    02 Jun 16:40

    Please add this. It is confusing, that I can set a default locale with the new localization feature, but it does not affect the date fields language? Especially if you have a paid localization plan :(

  • Josef Eines commented
    06 May 18:46

    Have they really nearly spent 10 years developing this feature? I guess we have AGI before Webflow can push a simple feature like this.

  • William Attaway commented
    23 Mar 00:16

    UTC ISO 8601 is a Must

  • Adriano Resende commented
    22 Feb 00:38

    2017... 2018... 2019... 2020... 2021... 2022... 2023... 2024...
    The team are setting the priority correctly?

  • Ruediger Kern commented
    November 13, 2023 22:29

    I'm new to Webflow trying it out as successor of using Wordpress. But I'm highly astonished, date/time localization is not supported. So the product has no production grade capabilities outside the US :-(.

  • Jeffrey Barron commented
    August 15, 2023 01:56

    Basic UX, Basic Localisation!!

  • Andrew commented
    July 08, 2023 07:32

    Damn, 6 years and still waiting. We know that webflow is a US company, but a few of your users live outside the US where mm/dd/yyyy or mmm d, yyyy isn't standard.
    You have "d mmm" and "mmm yyyy" but no "d mmm yyyy". Why?
    Even better why not allow users to customise the date format using these elements?

  • Dennis Wehrmann commented
    May 12, 2023 08:35

    holy molly – it's been 5 years and still no possibillity to localize dates?

  • Brian Walker commented
    March 13, 2023 01:28

    Yes, can we please have the format "dd mmm yyyy"? The USA is the only country in the world to use "mmm dd, yyyy"! Please stop making us have to do a bunch of crazy formatting to get "dd mmm yyyy".

  • Frederik Sally commented
    February 27, 2023 13:56

    Crazy this isn't implemented yet!

  • Jon Cox commented
    August 26, 2022 18:50

    I'd also like the following format please (which which is more typical in the UK):

    "26 August, 2022"

    Note that's with the comma before the year, same the current American version available, just with day first: "August 26, 2022".

    It's possible to hack it of course, using text blocks and the currents available formats, but then you end up with issues like the attached screenshot of Safari Reader View, and similar issues for people using screen readers.

  • Toni Sian commented
    August 10, 2022 04:52

    Insane that this hasn't been implemented yet. Webflow, you talk about accessibility all day long yet you're missing this SIMPLE ass feature? Maybe back up your talk with the basic implementations first, before focusing on the fancy stuff. Jeez.

  • Filadelfia Vennesla commented
    February 24, 2022 15:37

    It's these small things that makes Webflow difficult to work with...

  • SH commented
    October 26, 2021 08:28

    Romanian too please.

    Ianuarie (jan)

    Februarie (feb)

    Martie (mrt)

    Aprilie (apr)

    Mai (mei)

    Iunie (jun)

    Iulie (jul)

    August (aug)

    Septembrie (sep)

    Octombrie (okt)

    Noiembrie (nov)

    Decembrie (dec)

  • Gabriella Farkas commented
    March 31, 2021 09:57

    Could you add custom date format where we can describe what we need (eg: like PHP date function: Y.m.d. in hungarian format)? It would be wonderful if we could add translation for the list of months and days, so it could be displayed on any language perfectly.

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