Landscape Tablet View

Often some graphics, font sizes, etc. don't translate just right from the desktop design to an iPad turned to landscape mode. It would help to have a landscape view in styling to just tweak small things that go wrong.

  • Jesse Milner
  • Jan 18 2017
  • Rose Gregory commented
    December 15, 2020 14:43

    What's the hold up Webflow? Not having this feature results in a lot of wasted time. What's preventing this update from happening?

  • Karianne Løndal commented
    December 15, 2020 12:25

    This needs to be fixed asap!

  • Maciej Sawicki commented
    September 09, 2020 09:08

    I agree, I have a real use cases where my clients tell me that something is wrong on iPad Landscape and I need to use hacks to fix it or adjust the design

    Here's an example of a screenshot that I received from my client

  • Nikita Merge commented
    August 26, 2020 07:59

    Same problem, it is a huge deal. Indeed, I do not need my desktop view to be presented on landscale tablet view. I wish to have Tablet Landscape View to design in tap mode.

    Hope this will be resolves soon this year.

  • McAlvany Intelligence Advisor commented
    July 25, 2020 12:15

    Updates on this??

  • Pablo Montero commented
    May 12, 2020 09:33

    Completely stuck due to this issue. For example, my interactions in Desktop view have nothing to do with the insteractions in Landscape table view. Is this wish from Jan 2017???

  • Dino Naseib commented
    March 06, 2020 15:28

    Has there been any progress on this wish?

    Im quite surprised that this has not been resolved as of yet?

    @Webflow whats the latest on this?

  • Scott Haynes commented
    December 19, 2019 14:31

    Dear Webflow Dev Team,

    We have had to add considerable custom code to achieve how we want sites to appear on landscape tablets.

    It was time consuming and tedious. If you could add landscape tablet previews that would be a huge help.

    Thank you in advance.

  • Ben Kilah commented
    September 03, 2019 03:39

    This is a requirement and has been from the start, what's the update Webflow?

  • Glen Tiktak commented
    July 16, 2019 17:04

    I need it. Please.

  • Maurice de Vries commented
    July 08, 2019 15:28

    I would have NEVER used webflow if I knew about this unsolved problem. Now I'm stuck because I got to far into the project to switch. Two and a half year without a fix is totally unacceptable. 

  • Neil Newnham commented
    May 30, 2019 13:06

    This needs adding more desperately than ever. I lose so much time compromising my desktop design just to try and make it work on iPad landscape. Especially menus. I would love to have the hamburger menu available on iPad landscape.

  • Daniel H commented
    May 21, 2019 22:29

    Landscape or portrait, I still have no choice but to target my design to resize and work for 768 and 1024. And Webflow’s max-width: 991px hard code is just creating more work for me. Having 991px as a breakpoint is worthless in responsive design. Show me a device that even needs 991px as a breakpoint.

    Wouldn’t it be oh-so-helpful if Webflow could offer some sort of breakpoint override, perhaps in Project Settings?

    Breakpoints for:
    iPad 2 (Second Generation) - 768 x 1024 px
    iPad Air (5th Generation) - 768 x 1024 px
    iPad Air 2 (6th Generation) - 768 x 1024 px
    iPad Mini (1st Generation) - 768 x 1024 px
    iPad Mini 2 - 768 x 1024 px
    iPad Mini 3 - 768 x 1024 px
    iPad Mini 4 - 768 x 1024 px
    iPad Pro (1st Generation) 9.7-inch - 768 x 1024 px
    The iPad - 768 x 1024 px
    iPad Pro 10.5-inch - 768 x 1024 px
    iPad Pro 12.9-inch - 1024 x 1366 px

  • James Bravo commented
    May 09, 2019 05:59

    How is this not a feature yet??  Seriously guys this is a complete deal breaker... 

  • Mark Savage commented
    April 10, 2019 19:59

    Recently started using webflow for a project, and got quite a bit into the design/build before realising this crucial media query isn't available - what a deal breaker for me! If I wasn't committed already to do my current project in webflow (because of the project delivery time), I would take the hit and stop right now and code the site myself. I can't believe this isn't included! And yes, as others mention the preview mode is not accurate at all. I'm having to publish site to debug in various resolutions.

  • Wout Helsmoortel commented
    April 01, 2019 13:48

    Also animations behave different; they often appear much later than in any other view. Often the element does not show up even after scrolling past it!

  • Wout Helsmoortel commented
    April 01, 2019 13:30

    I agree - tablet in landscape mode looks very different - I had to find out myself during tests on the device.

    Very painful and should be avoided by providing us a preview in the designer.

    Why is this taking so long?

  • Tom Dearie commented
    March 12, 2019 19:20

    Has a landscape breakpoint been added yet?
    We find Webflow enticing, but we discontinued our subscription a year or two ago over this feature.

    At the time I was told by dev it was on the list, so I come back from time to time to check in.


    It's not a dev issue for us — tweaking landscape view in later stages is something we can hand off to our front end designers or dev team.

    It's a conceptual design issue — without landscape tablet view  (and other conceptual design features) Webflow is a no-go.

    It's a Catch-22 for the tool:

    If we don't have friction-free conceptual design features, we do core communications and conceptual design with other tools. And if we do core design with other tools, we no longer need Webflow — we just give our files to the executional designers or dev guys, who can code in their sleep faster than they can build a site with Webflow.

    To be compelling for senior communications designers, Webflow needs to provide the tools to do friction-free early phase design and get to a basic working site for client presentation without code-adds or other technical fiddling. Once that's done, a bit of technical fiddling (or more likely handoff to the dev guys) for tweaking or more complex feature-adds is tolerable.

    To that end, really basic requirements, like convenient landscape landscape tablet view out of the box, are a must. (80%+ tablet users hold their tablets in landscape view by default).

    A lot of future opportunities in web development are at the conceptual design phase, and its seamless, friction-free integration into the executional design and technical phases.

    Hope to see this and other design features soon.

  • Rich Trowbridge commented
    February 04, 2019 19:38

    PLEASE - This is a must-have update!

    Also, is it possible to detect what kind of device a site is being viewed on? 
    Some of the new large-screen phones have landscape widths that are approaching tablets, but the aspect ratio is very different between the two. That can really affect how a site looks.

    Maybe you could let us add additional breakpoints within your pre-defined device icons?

    Either way, adding a landscape tablet breakpoint that is different from the desktop is really a must.

  • Darren O'Rourke commented
    January 29, 2019 13:17

    This is a must. Not only for the comments mentioned above, but interactions. Currently have Hover triggers on desktop which do not function correctly on Landscape Tablet.

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