Clean asset links: Host assets on a site's Custom Domain and don't prepend the names with number ID strings

It would be great if you need to link to an uploaded Webflow resource (ie. a PDF or other) and have it on your own domain and not have the file name be prepended so "pitchscript.pdf" does not change to "872384029387403298wajlhewuhf_pitchscript.pdf". Especially since people want to host with Webflow fully & not have to put it on an external server.

  • Gira Desai
  • Jul 26 2017
  • Daniel Acosta commented
    25 Jul 09:49

    This is urgent, please solve this.

  • Yunan Xing commented
    16 Jul 15:09

    It's 2024, and this hasn't been actioned....🥲 Please implement this soon Webflow

  • Will commented
    11 Jun 05:53

    Surely this has to be actioned by now Webflow... every other platform out there has no issues with retaining the file name for the download. This is one of the first things clients ask to be changed once their site is up... to which I have to advise it can't be...

  • Nicolas Lassaux commented
    17 May 14:40

    This would be soo much simpler. Cleaning a website and having an optimized landing page is almost impossible because of that

  • Richenda Devereux commented
    11 Apr 09:15

    Please implement this!

    Clients use our site to discover new case studies and publications. We offer full versions via download links on cms pages, and I hate to think of the user experience for them finding these junk PDF filenames on their desktop. It looks unprofessional and they are less likely to re-share with their colleagues in that form.

  • Julian Witzel commented
    05 Apr 16:24

    Any updates on this?

  • Yeshai Lang commented
    25 Mar 07:44

    This can be done with some custom code. Embed the following script after the "Download File" button element:

    document.getElementById('downloadButton').addEventListener('click', function() {

    var fileNameWithPrefix = this.getAttribute('data-file');

    var fileName = fileNameWithPrefix.substring(fileNameWithPrefix.indexOf('_') + 1);

    // Decode the filename to replace '%20' with actual spaces

    fileName = decodeURIComponent(fileName);

    // Create a temporary link element

    var link = document.createElement('a');

    link.href = 'path_to_download/' + fileName; // Replace 'path_to_download/' with your actual download path

    link.setAttribute('download', fileName); // Set the download attribute to specify filename = 'none';


    // Trigger the download;

    // Cleanup: remove the temporary link element




    And create a custom element set as a button:
    <button id="downloadButton" data-file="{{wf {&quot;path&quot;:&quot;file-to-download&quot;,&quot;type&quot;:&quot;FileRef&quot;\} }}" class="button">Download File</button>
    replacing {{wf {&quot;path&quot;:&quot;file-to-download&quot;,&quot;type&quot;:&quot;FileRef&quot;\} }} with the relevant field from your cms

  • Duck Design Studio commented
    19 Mar 20:54

    I just wanted to emphasize how important this would be for Webflow users. We're looking forward to this update!

  • Max Blum commented
    21 Feb 01:22
    It looks like someone created a custom code snippet to solve this problem in Framer... Is this being prioritized here at Webflow or should I start experimenting with Framer for my next client load?
  • James Allen commented
    14 Feb 08:50

    As an enterprise customer, it's disappointing to see this has been requested since 2017 and has not been addressed yet.

    Please add this to your roadmap. File names should not be prepended with a random string of characters, and we should have the option to have files under our own custom domain name.

  • David Yap commented
    04 Jan 08:51

    Need this one very badly. Cant be showing webflow or other domain other than our client domain.

  • Drew Norman commented
    November 08, 2023 16:37

    We need exactly what Kevin has described below. Ay updates on when this will be in beta would be highly appreciated.

  • Asociacion Victoria Kent commented
    September 21, 2023 22:03

    lo veo totalmente fundamental, esto me limita hacer mucho. Me parece muy poco profesional tener los archivos con ese dominio.

  • Kevin Martins commented
    August 31, 2023 16:08


    Businesses need this functionality to link directly to PDFs customers frequently access. We need the following features:

    • Asset URLs need to be customizable and come from our custom domain rather than the CDN domain. This is necessary for SEO, and security concerns (Customers might question wether the asset really belongs to the business if the URLs don't match).

    • Assets need the ability to be replaced whilst maintaining the same URL. Imagine posting the Asset link to external sources and then having to make a revision to the asset. Now you have to go and replace all the extrernal source links. (# of Assets × external sources × revisions and it starts getting ridiculous).

  • Brahim Sliti commented
    August 30, 2023 15:26

    Hey! New update since my last post on 22nd May: We were so disappointed in my company about this issue so we decided to build this simple and free tool to have this issue solved, it's live now and working so well!!

  • Sathish Kumar commented
    July 17, 2023 11:16

    Hello webflow team, Please add this.

  • Revolte Consulting commented
    July 15, 2023 15:04

    Please the feature is so important and basic.After all efforts of work facing with such problem is not serious.

  • Casey Reid commented
    May 30, 2023 21:13

    Webflow people...please address this. I'm surprised this hasn't been worked in yet after years of people asking for it.

  • Brahim Sliti commented
    May 22, 2023 17:32

    Hello friends,

    I have the same issue so I decided to build an easy app to fix that problem, I am currently launching a WAITING LIST so if you really want that issue to be solved and have professional and clean URLs subscribe here:

    See you! 👋

  • Guillaume de GreenGo commented
    May 19, 2023 16:18

    This is really basic indeed, such a pain when you make all efforts for having a great experience, clean stuff and your customers download pdf and img with apojnkjfblfd55454dssqdm name in it. 6 years I see this issue is pending, this doesn't sound serious really !

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