Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit WEBFLOW-I-893 Ability to style CSS Combinators: combo classes, pseudo classes, nested classes.

Allow free combo class combination in the designer Merged

Right now combo classes are bound to the first class of an element. We need the capability to combine different class rules, to create truly modular UI elements, using the atomic design model.

Example: class button defines it's shape, class red defines it's color. I can't use class red anywhere else, I have to set the styles again for each element separately. This is a time killer and makes my day harder.

  • Senor Dee
  • Jan 18 2017
  • Switchem App commented
    14 May, 2017 06:58am

    MOST CRITICAL ISSUE!!! I have no idea why @webflow still have not fixed it yet.... PAIN...

  • Yurii Kiriliuk commented
    18 Apr, 2017 02:54am

    Really need...

  • Jaro Quastenberg commented
    19 Jan, 2017 11:09am


  • +14