CMS items to spans

There's no way currently to insert values from the CMS mid-sentence (even on a <span>), which is something we often need to do. I get around it either by:

a) hacking together a few different text blocks
b) adding a class to a <span> and doing it with JS

  • Bell Curve
  • Nov 14 2017
  • Shneor Crombie commented
    September 09, 2021 10:42
  • Shneor Crombie commented
    September 09, 2021 10:40

    Fetch CMS text into Span is super crucil for so many cases involces statics content and dynamic content

  • Distinc Assum commented
    March 28, 2020 06:39

    When you try to use CMS then you you initially not even use the best help on the CMS item so that you will cover the detail. Add your own value in edubirdie review during the use of the project and get your desired result every time.

  • Sturm Bernhard commented
    July 04, 2019 06:44

    Yes, definitely needed... Webflow is so good in creating semantic HTML, but on this particular issue it fails hurtfully.

  • Brad Poirier commented
    July 31, 2018 18:43

    Arrr, bumping this :)

    I find the need to do this very often. What I end up doing is:

    1) Creating a Div wrapper

    2) Setting the text block to display: inline

    3) Then stacking them next to each other with a slight margin-right of around 3-5px.

    This is practical for instance if I want to say:


    View more KITCHEN projects

    - Where KITCHEN would be the intended <span> item that is binded to the reference category... all wrapped up in one H3 tag or some other text... instead of the current process.


    Hopefully that makes sense.

  • +14