Upload Files to Asset Manager

Uploading files, such as PDFs, to the Webflow Asset Manager within Designer.

  • Barrett Johnson
  • Jan 5 2017
  • Shipped
  • JK Richa commented
    May 10, 2022 11:05

    Please integrate it fast

  • Finn Hanberg commented
    March 19, 2021 11:16

    This has to be implemented ASAP! I sell digital products and making my clients download the file from drive is very unprofessional. Please fix this asap

  • Chris O'Donnell commented
    February 08, 2021 23:02

    I seriously thought this would be a feature!

  • Loup Cordey commented
    January 02, 2021 15:55

    badly needed feature, regularly asked by clients.

  • Saqi commented
    January 14, 2020 15:15

    Uploading files at Asset Manager is much easier than the other software. Thanks for this amazing guide. Smart Dog Tracker

  • Filament Filament commented
    October 30, 2019 23:01

    +1 - having this as a native option is so much better than having to host on Dropbox. 

  • David Martin commented
    April 05, 2019 03:39

    Would be a nice feature to have

  • Pat Heick commented
    January 21, 2019 21:00

    yes please

  • Allen Wixted commented
    November 02, 2018 12:30

    upvoted. I need this for USDZ files please! 

  • Georgie Hollins commented
    May 31, 2018 18:08

    Yes, it’s a must

  • Overhaus AS commented
    January 23, 2018 15:32

    Sorry, this comment was supposed to be about adding files through the CMS!

  • Overhaus AS commented
    January 23, 2018 15:24

    This is something almost all my clients need, and perhaps the biggest reason not to use Webflow.

  • Rachel Silbereis commented
    September 09, 2017 18:11

    Yes I would love for applicants to be able to upload pdf resumes as well as help desk tickets to be able to upload supporting documents

  • Kevin Pleasants Jr. commented
    June 05, 2017 20:34

    I love this Wishlist feature!

  • Mitch Woolley commented
    June 05, 2017 18:48

    Perfect, we have been waiting for this, thank you!

  • IWOO commented
    June 05, 2017 13:06

    I'm really liking this Wishlist-way of introducing new features. It's a great step, as well as with the communication on the public blog by Bryant:


    So thanks Webflow, for listening to the community two years ago and giving us a voice.

  • Vlad Magdalin commented
    June 05, 2017 12:59

    Hey everyone, as Vocantas mentioned above, we just shipped the first phase of this feature: https://webflow.com/feature/upload-pdfs-ppts-docs-csvs-and-way-more

    Files with the following extensions are currently supported: .pdf, .doc, .docx.xls.xlsx.ppt.pptx.txt, .csv - we will expand this list as we see demand for more file types. For now, upload sizes are limited to 10MB per file.

    We'll also be working on adding file upload support to the CMS and Editor in a second phase: https://wishlist.webflow.com/ideas/WEBFLOW-I-725

  • Don Chadwick commented
    June 05, 2017 12:57

    Hooraahhhhh! I've been waiting years for this. Many many thanks webflow team.

  • Vocantas Inc. commented
    June 05, 2017 04:01

    It's finally here!


  • Daniel commented
    May 09, 2017 15:47

    We would be grateful if Admin could provide an update on this.After all, it is the third most popular item in the entire Wish List and the last update was in January!

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