Form file uploads within a limit on CMS Hosting

When a file upload is needed on a website it is generally for a very niche use case (ie. job application) which won't need much storage or bandwidth. It's hard to justify an extra $240 a year for this, so people will likely go to third-party services such as who offer 500 files/500mb for free with 5gb bandwidth. This is something I'd ideally like to avoid as I don't want my user's data/content spread all over the place.

Please consider allowing file uploads within a limit similar to that of uploadcare. Surely this will lead to more upgrades to Business Hosting in the future when people hit those limits – rather than paying the third party.

  • David
  • Aug 10 2018
  • In progress
  • Kevin Dubay commented
    14 Jun, 2024 08:51pm

    Is this still in progress? Looks like it as been years...

  • Kevin Brenkman commented
    27 Nov, 2023 09:48pm


  • Andy Hoey commented
    21 Nov, 2022 04:48am

    This is a must especially when using logic to add CMS items!

  • Domanique Taylor commented
    6 Sep, 2022 01:32am

    Any update on this?

  • Léon van de Klundert commented
    16 Jun, 2022 08:22am

    I wouldn't call no change in 4 years progress.. Could you please either update the status or (preferably) get this feature into beta!?

  • Alex Cheng commented
    31 Jan, 2022 02:30pm

    Update please?

  • Martijn Runia commented
    24 Jun, 2021 08:50am

    Also curious about an update on this. A new project is coming up that needs this feature.

  • Jirka Kadlčík commented
    12 Apr, 2021 09:09pm

    Any update @Webflow?

  • Alex Cheng commented
    13 Jan, 2021 02:45pm

    After 2 years and still in development?

  • Good Access commented
    7 Jan, 2021 03:07pm

    I also find it rather annoying not having form upload in the CMS package. My percieved value is about 1$/month for my use case and if it was add-on I would get it. It can't justify doubling the hosting cost for a client. I have to go searching for 3rd party solution with a bit bitter taste for webflow's pushy pricing policy ✌🏻

  • Luca Gramaccini commented
    12 May, 2020 06:22am

    As you are working on improving the form I hope you are also considering these improvements.

    Thank you very much and good job.

  • Diarmuid Sexton commented
    10 Mar, 2020 07:59pm

    For those looking for a cheaper option than is currently available - this is a third party form handling service that works perfectly with file uploads - and a small bit of setup.

    UseBasin is a really good service - and works out much cheaper - depending on how many forms you need -

  • Peter Dimitrov commented
    11 Jan, 2020 05:46pm

    Happy to see that this will be added!

  • Andrea Garganico commented
    7 Jan, 2020 11:55am

    1 year and a half to implement it? Come on Guys!

  • Diarmuid Sexton commented
    25 Nov, 2019 04:16pm

    Any update on this Webflow?

  • Jac Evans commented
    1 Oct, 2019 07:55am

    Hi - is this still in development?

  • Pierre-Jean Duval commented
    26 Jul, 2019 03:44am

    Really need this as well for recruitment page of clients websites.

  • Gabriel Mora commented
    9 Jul, 2019 04:55pm

    Please when will this feature be added? I really need this, I'm overpaying for something I'm not even using just for be able to upload some files.

  • Hamish Maclean commented
    27 Jun, 2019 12:17pm

    And multi attachment please 

  • Dan Toro commented
    19 Jun, 2019 03:55pm


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