Include all Rich Text elements default Rich Text Block

The Request

Currently when you drop in a Rich Text Block, the default information reads "What's a Rich Text element?…" etc., including only an H2, H4's, and paragraph text right off the bat. While it's helpful to explain what a Rich Text element is (to first time users) and it's extremely easy to change the text elements to an H1, H2, H3, block quote, etc.… it would be one less step (but many redundant clicks) if all Rich Text elements were already included right off the bat. 

Why It's Useful

Whenever I create a new project, I create a Style Guide page and drop in a Rich Text block and set all the styles for the H's, paragraphs, block quotes, inline links (I also include buttons, lists, colors, etc. outside of the Rich Text block as well). And, while it may be relatively simple to convert lines to H's, it would be one less step to setting all the base styles quicker, as well as displaying all the Rich Text block elements at once (just so you know you haven't left out a base style).


I realize there are workarounds to this… 1. Do it yourself, 2. Copy and paste an already prepared Rich Text block from another project (and full style guide)… but it would just be handy to have it all there already.

The Bigger Picture

Obviously the essential goal of this request to support design consistency, and if there was a much quicker way to create a standard style guide right from within Webflow by default (for all standard web elements – maybe options for web apps vs websites, etc.)… that would be extremely handy. But, perhaps in future plugins. =)

  • Ryan Dalisay
  • Apr 4 2019
  • Shipped
  • Drew Eastmead commented
    1 Oct, 2020 06:55pm

    100% great call. Agree completely with there needs to be "a much quicker way to create a standard style guide right from within Webflow by default."

    Styling the rich text block & formatting it differently throughout your site is confusing and incredibly awkward. Not even sure how to explain it, but the UX is terrible.

  • +2