Conditional visibility based on product stock value

This will among other things make it possible to show a "few items in stock" message if the stock value, for example, is under 4 and a "product out of stock" when it reaches 0.

  • Patrick Aurbo
  • Jun 26 2019
  • Reviewed
  • Jordan Rundle commented
    09 May 19:43

    Hi, seemingly still waiting for this basic feature?

  • Paul Düsterhöft commented
    June 23, 2023 12:35

    Isnt this a bisic ecomerce feature?!?!? wtf...

  • Gregory Falconi commented
    July 07, 2022 21:20

    I really need this on my page, it's been two years since the last comment! I sell one off products and need them to disappear when quantity goes to 0.

  • Casey DenBleyker commented
    May 24, 2020 03:51

    Yes! I'm working on a project for a client right now and they really wanted this functionality. Please add this! :)

  • Eric Unger commented
    April 29, 2020 19:28

    Yes please!! I need this immediately!

  • +18