Component Marketplace

Templates are great, but wouldn't it be awesome if the template marketplace on Webflow had a section with individual elements that you could clone and use within your site without having to start a whole new site to get a feature you like from a template.

For example, an individual blog post container that you could copy and paste into your custom site. This would save a lot of time designing and building out interactions/transitions if there were a marketplace that contained these individual pre built items that you could use wherever you like.

  • Justin Dalzell
  • Jan 18 2017
  • Shipped
  • Nov 22, 2022

    Admin response

    We’re thrilled to introduce Webflow Marketplace: an all-new home for all of the products and services you need to bring your website to life — from project support and leading Webflow Experts, to design inspiration from the latest sites launched in Webflow.

    In addition to creating a one-stop shop for the Webflow products and resources you already know and love — like Templates, Made in Webflow, and Webflow Experts — the Marketplace provides three new ways to help you and your team go from a blank canvas to a powerful, published site, faster than ever before.

    1. Build faster with Libraries. Available in beta, Libraries are flexible collections of website layouts designed by top Webflow creators. With Libraries, you can quickly build amazing sites with the design expertise of the community, right in the Webflow Designer.

    2. Extend and enhance Webflow’s core functionality with Apps. Also available in beta, Apps unlock powerful new functionality for your Webflow sites, such as dynamic filtering, powerful new Ecommerce workflows, and improved collaboration workflows for teams .

    3. New ways to find and hire Webflow Experts. Finally, we launched an updated Webflow Experts directory and a brand new matchmaking experience, making it easier than ever to find the right Webflow agency or freelancer to support your next project.

  • RaisingSails Development commented
    21 Apr, 2022 12:19pm

    Hi. Recent Wordpress convert. Even a more-polished Showcase would be a huge help.

    1. Right now browse vs search are completely different with search not allowing filters like 'cloneable' & the right/cmd + click doesn't work when trying to open in new tab.

    2. Ability to categorize likes into personal 'lists' or collections.

    3. New modal pop-up preview isn't helpful. Hover reveal for live 'preview/view project' option would solve both issues.

    4. Some sort of internal or community policing for broken / bad designs.

  • Alan Kemsley commented
    3 Jul, 2021 09:02pm

    YES! I usually have to spend HOURS looking through all the templates to find all the sections I need (that correlate with my designs), but they are usually spread across 3 or 4 different templates. So then I end up paying a ton of money for 3-4 templates just so I can use 1-2 components from each template TO BUILD ONE SITE.

    Please see Duda’s section templates. They have them built-in with the app, so when you click ADD NEW PAGE SECTION, you get a list of beautifully designed sections under each category (hero, about us, team, contact us, features, etc.).

  • Max Lind commented
    28 Apr, 2021 09:42pm

    👋 Hello! The Webflow user research team is interested in learning more about your experiences with the services that support Webflow—things like integrations, templates, plug-ins, and more.

    If you’re up for speaking to us for about 30 minutes, please sign up here. If you fit our criteria we’ll compensate you for your time via an Amazon gift card.

  • TX Markets commented
    19 Jan, 2021 04:41pm

    Love and fully support the idea for a component marketplace. But I think they should basically be symbols. For that to be feasible you should first make the symbol section better (larger/actual previews, folders, seeing nested symbols, etc.).

    Then it should be that you can just subscribe to a folder of symbols and they show up in your symbols sidebar. Basically just how it works with symbols in Figma/Sketch where you can subscribe to libraries and then use them in your design.

    Also lets please have public and private libraries. That way you could basically build a company design system and you invite people to use that library of symbols in their webflow sites. Or you make it public.

    That would be awesome!

  • Chris Lacey commented
    5 Nov, 2020 05:55pm

    This would speed up the process on projects 10x. Giving you more time to spend on the creative parts of the project.

  • Eric Orlando commented
    15 Dec, 2019 09:15am

    This is an awesome idea. Having previously worked with Adobe Muse - there was such a vast market of not only templates but also tons of customizeable components - various menus, galleries, lightboxes, sliders, etc....This is void at Weblow. I spoke to a 3rd party developer that had done lots of great things for Muse but also a few things for Webflow and asked them if they'd be doing more items for Webflow now that Muse is ending and their response was that Webflow is very limited for plugin developers. 

  • Rodney commented
    28 May, 2019 09:25pm

    I would suggest that you drive towards the same goal that the entire HTML specification is moving towards - reusable custom HTML components.  Essentially the ability to define new elements - i.e. <my-banner color="red">This is banner text</my-banner> or <login-form/>.  These custom elements will be first class citizens of HTML - complete peers with existing elements like <div> or <ul>.  This is where HTML is going, and it's the sole reason for the existence of all of the most popular web development frameworks (vue, angular, react).

    Add a Vue container to your existing palette.  The user then puts whatever he/she wants in it, including existing elements and other other previously created components.  When finished, the user drags it back to the palette where it is given a name.  From that point onward, the new component would be used exactly the same as any other palette element.

    Whatever is in the component would be written out as a fully encapsulated vue single file component (a .vue file) with its own template and scoped CSS.  And BTW, don't even think about shipping this feature without the ability to nest components to any desired level.

    Do this, and your product will suddenly become much more than the design and prototyping tool it currently is - supporting this would make it feasible for use by business systems developers - essentially increasing your potential user base by orders of magnitude.  I would guess that for the most part, your primary customers are design teams and UI/UX persons.  I know that in its current state, your tool can only be used to provide an overall look and feel for enterprise level developers to mimic in their development efforts - the best of these may be using the code your tool generates, but probably no one or very few are doing it seamlessly via automation.

    Supporting the creation and use of reusable custom components would open the door to your tool becoming a staple of nearly every enterprise developer in the world - and the vast majority of them are all moving towards the use of reusable components.  For every design user you may have, there would be anywhere from a handful to hundreds of enterprise level developers.

    With the ability to visually construct component based forms and pages, your product would be more valuable than platinum to their employers. 

    Doing this would pretty much obsolete the need for classes and Symbols - A component could encapsulate both of those in a much more intuitive and concrete manner.   CSS in a component does not effect anything outside of that component.

  • Pierluigi Giglio commented
    24 Dec, 2018 12:17pm

    This is such a Great idea: I would LOVE a components marketplace since this would make our lives soo much easier!

  • Andu Potorac commented
    21 Nov, 2018 06:21pm

    I can't wait to see how the Marketplace will work when ready!

    As we integrated different components across multiple publishing platforms (Shopify, Weebly, CloudFlare, Wix, etc), I'm excited to add our library to Webflow as well!

    A few notes:

    - content should be dynamic (to work with the backend)
    - there should be a store front with reviews and most popular apps
    - components should be completely responsive
    - users should be able to subscribe to each component as a SaaS product


  • Robert Cat commented
    28 Sep, 2018 09:24pm

    That's just a dream feature

  • Mario Gonzalez commented
    7 Aug, 2018 12:22pm

    This is going to be beyond Awesome. We are currently looking for a tool that allows us to create a design system. We've tried sketch, InVision, Figma, Atomic, Framer but they lack what we can do in Webflow for high-def prototyping. "Components" as you describe them above will be a game changer since every tool out there is trying to be THE TOOL to build design systems. You have a clear advantage in IMO since you do actual html/css/js and not just static representations. If you get this right and communicate its power to the world, you will be THE TOOL.  

  • Matthew Oliver commented
    1 May, 2018 11:14pm

    Expect to see some crazy stuff on the market when this gets released :)

  • Brandon Urich commented
    2 Jun, 2017 09:21pm

    Honestly, this could be tied into the #1 trending wishlist item right now: cross site copy/paste. You would need the ability to "copy" individual elements or symbols into your site not only from one of your sites to another but from a general public marketplace (just like themes).

  • Scott Van Zandt commented
    26 May, 2017 01:26am

    A marketplace for the community to share these elements (after being approved by Webflow) would be great. Either share them for free or simply charge a monthly rate to have access to everything. Designers who contribute get paid for the popularity of their element/widget. 

  • Improve Webflow commented
    8 May, 2017 10:55pm

    Or maybe integrations with Webflow? Say, maybe a dynamic element? Or e-Commerce?

  • Gonsalves Media commented
    7 Apr, 2017 07:59pm

    Great idea. 10/10 would buy + build components

  • Tayler Odea commented
    6 Apr, 2017 02:41pm

    this could get dangerous for selling themes and templates, how would licensing work, components would all have to be GPL 

  • Masarati Pietro commented
    17 Feb, 2017 11:29pm

    I'm really in love of WebFlow, and I think as well that a collection of premade components can be helpfull for speeding up the building of some sections. Another platform for making websites (not comparable to Webflow) is offering like this (see attachement).

    Maybe it is an idea to implement in Webflow.

  • Dave Williams commented
    10 Feb, 2017 09:11am

    Really interesting idea! I think some kind of component review would be needed, the last thing we want is a marketplace filled with poorly constructed components. Looking forward to see how this idea develops.

  • Jan Haas commented
    8 Feb, 2017 04:05pm

    Reminds me on how does it. "Would make webflow greater again" :) 

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