Easily duplicate classes

Within Designer, easily duplicate a class, and specify a different name.

  • Sergie Magdalin
  • Jan 11 2017
  • Shipped
  • Jun 29, 2017

    Admin response

    Hi Everyone! We just released Duplicate Classes. You can now quickly duplicate classes and make a few tweaks, without messing up your original class, or creating a combo class. Read more here.

  • Tony Gines commented
    29 Jun, 2017 06:20pm

    Super exciting! Great update. Thanks for the hard work and listening to the community :)

  • Calvin Hanson commented
    29 Jun, 2017 06:17pm

    You're my heroes, thanks so much for improving this product!

    Calvin Hanson

  • Alex Manyeki commented
    29 Jun, 2017 06:05pm

    Great Stuff. Already used this.

  • Christopher Travers commented
    25 May, 2017 08:17pm

    There have been multiple times in my long history of using Webflow that I've needed to quickly and easily re-create all the characteristics/settings of a class.

    Normally, one would simply assign a subclass to the class to differentiate it from it's parent and voilà... a psuedo-"copy" of the class has been created. The only issue, though, is there are multiple specific situations where a unique copy of a class would be useful without having to use a subclass:

    1. The requirement to use interactions with classes and not subclass/ID selectors. This struggle would be completely resolved.
    2. Countless custom code opportunities, such as linking directly to a tab that has a unique class name.
    3. Experimenting with a design direction at a class level branching from a more complex starting point without having to undo all your experiments when you are done (one could even rename their new & beautiful class to replace the class from which they branched).

    I've attached an example of how this could work (also doable via the Style Manager). The duplicated class would have an appended "-2" similarly to how Webflow handles duplicate id's. Thank you for developing this idea.

  • Eduardo commented
    8 May, 2017 11:00pm


  • Craig Keeling commented
    4 May, 2017 04:18pm

    Please also consider a "grouping of multiple classes" function into one new class. It would really help with cleaning up, organizing classes once you're deep into a design iteration.

  • Gustavo Correia commented
    3 May, 2017 12:17am

    It is really a must. time saver and wise DRY feature (don't repeat yourself)

  • M. Simon commented
    28 Apr, 2017 09:42pm

    indispensable · absolutely necessary · please note

  • Stewart Christnesen commented
    14 Apr, 2017 03:56am


  • Brian Hermelijn commented
    15 Mar, 2017 01:11pm

    This would definitely ease the process of changing some styles much easier.

  • Guilherme Maueler commented
    14 Mar, 2017 08:56pm


  • Marc Wetli commented
    3 Feb, 2017 10:13am

    it would be a big timesaver

  • Ambre Hadjez commented
    3 Feb, 2017 03:09am

    Ooh Yes indeed.


  • Andrey Grabelnikov commented
    1 Feb, 2017 04:26am

    Crucial feature!

  • Brian Hermelijn commented
    20 Jan, 2017 01:26pm

    Yes yes yes please. I need this. Most of the time I have to rewrite a given class that has similar styles but need different changes for animation and so on.

  • Dimitri Plugari commented
    19 Jan, 2017 01:06pm

    I think this one is crucial, please add this feature :)!

  • Senor Dee commented
    18 Jan, 2017 10:08am

    This can be one solution to the combo class restriction, please add it to the designer!

  • Ed Bini commented
    18 Jan, 2017 08:38am

    Come on already with this guys!  It causes me much grief and it's probably because I don't know how to do something to work around it but this is long overdue already.  Please change it to "planned"..

  • PeopleStreme commented
    18 Jan, 2017 02:18am

    Yes! Would love this! I've come across this as a problem a fair few times.

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